Enlightening Quotes by Enlightened People

"The principal and primary function of banks is to serve as middlemen in the making of payments. In so doing they transform inactive money capital into active," -- V. I. Lenin, Imperialism (1920), ch. 2, p. 45, on what smaller banks used to do.


"[T]he 'conscious regulation' of economic life by the banks consists in the fleecing of the public by a handful of 'completely organised' monopolists." -- V. I. Lenin, Imperialism (1920), ch. 2, p. 52, in allusion to comments by "Schulze-Gaevernits, an apologist of German imperialism".


"The public money supply should not be source of private profit." -- James Robertson, interview (2009), 2min15.


"[T]he International Monetary Fund [IMF] basically acted as the world's debt enforcers---'You might say, the high-finance equivalent of the guys who come to break your legs.'" -- David Graeber, Debt: The First 5000 Years (2011), p. 2


"Banking is a confidence game. When confidence sags, the whole construct comes tumbling down. And the first movers have a big advantage in getting their cash out in in time. ... Problems at a big bank are always categorically denied by both the government and the bank. Banking is a confidence game, and confidence has to be maintained at all costs or else the bank is toast." -- Wolf Richter, "I am in Awe of How Fast Deutsche Bank is Falling Apart" (Sept. 29, 2016), Wolf Street.


"the Treasury-bill standard. The main way that foreign economies have stabilized their exchange rate since 1971 has indeed been to recycle their dollar inflows into U.S. Treasury securities."


To protect themselves from U.S. sanctions, countries would have to avoid using the dollar, and hence U.S. banks. This would require creation of a non-dollarized financial system for use among themselves, including their own alternative to the SWIFT bank clearing system.


Dedollarization will require creation of multilateral alternatives to U.S. “front” institutions such as the World Bank, IMF and other agencies in which the United States holds veto power to block any alternative policies deemed not to let it “win.” U.S. trade policy through the World Bank and U.S. foreign aid agencies aims at promoting dependency on U.S. food exports and other key commodities, while hiring U.S. engineering firms to build up export infrastructure to subsidize U.S. and other natural-resource investors. The financing is mainly in dollars, providing risk-free bonds to U.S. and other financial institutions. The resulting commercial and financial “interdependency” has led to a situation in which a sudden interruption of supply would disrupt foreign economies by causing a breakdown in their chain of payments and production. The effect is to lock client countries into dependency on the U.S. economy and its diplomacy, euphemized as “promoting growth and development.” - Michael Hudson, 2019, "U.S. Economic Warfare and Likely Foreign Defenses", CounterPunch.


* * *







European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)

Finance Watch "Making finance serve society"

Quantitative Easing for People "A Rescue Plan for the Eurozone"

Sovereign Money "Website for new currency theorie and monetary reform" by Joseph Huber

Deutscher Sprachraum

Christoph Pfluger "Die Welt braucht Geldreform"

Finance Watch "Für eine Finanzindustrie, die der Gesellschaft dient"

Gold Standard Institut Europa

Helmut Creutz homepage

Initiative für Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung (wiki)


Monneta "Damit das Geld uns allen dient"

Neue Geldordnung "Wege und Ziele einer Geldreformbewegung"

Norbert Haering "Geld und mehr"

Regiogeld "Der neue Herzschlag der Region"

Silvio Gesell

Vollgeld.de "Website für neue Currency Theorie und Geldreform" by Joseph Huber




Genossenschaft/Bank für Gemeinwohl -> Akademie

Gradido "Natürliche Ökonomie des Lebens"

IMMF -> Monetative.at

Initiative für Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung AT

Initiative Neue Geldordnung

Lifesense Institute "Das Fachinstitut für Werteverwirklichung und Geldforschung"

Sonnenzeit "Wirtschaft für ein gutes Leben" (pdf in English)




New Zealand

IMMF -> PositiveMoneyNZ

South Africa


United Kingdom

IMMF -> Positive Money (facebook)


Regional currencies

Bristol Pound "Our City, Our Money"

Brixton Pound


American Monetary Institute (AMI) "The independent study of monetary history, theory and reform"

Public Banking Institute "Banking in the Public Interest"

Strike Debt! "Debt Resistance for the 99%"

* * *


Books and Articles


Brown, Ellen, (articles)

Brown, Ellen, 2012, The Web of Debt, 5th edition, revised and updated, Baton Rouge: Third Millenium Press.

Brown, Ellen, 2013, The Public Banking Solution, Baton Rouge: Third Millenium Press.


Creutz, Helmut, 2012, The Money Syndrome: Towards a Market Economy Free from Crises, The Fast-Print Bookshop.


Fisher, Irving, 1935, 100% Money and the Public Debt (free online version),


Galbraith, John K., 1975, Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went, Houghton Mifflin.


Giller, Herbert, 2015, What Comes After Capitalism? The Manifesto of Moral Solidarity, Edition Moralsolid.


Graeber, David, (list of publications)

Graeber, David, 2001, Toward An Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Dreams, Palgrave Macmillan.

Graeber, David, 2011, Debt: The First 5000 Years, New York: Melville House.

Graeber, David, 2012, The Debt Resistors' Operations Manual, a project of StrikeDebt/OccupyWallStreet.

Graeber, David, 2012, Can debt spark a revolution?Nation (24 Sep 2012)


Greider, William, 1988, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Greider, William, 1989, The Trouble with Money: A Prescription for America's Financial Fever, Knoxville, TN: Whittle Direct Books.

Greider, William, 1997, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.


Hahn, Ludwig Albert, 1949, The Economics of Illusion. A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy, New York: Squier.


Haering, Norbert, 2017, "A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project", Asia-Pacific Research, Jan. 1, 2017.

Haering, Norbert, 2017, "How India became Bill Gates' guinea pig: A conspiracy as recounted by the main actors", Norber Haering homepage, Feb. 21, 2017.


Huber, Joseph, 1999, "Plain Money. A Proposal for Supplying the Nations with the Necessary Means in a Modern Monetary System", Der Hallesche Graureiher, 99(3).

Huber, Joseph, 2001, "Seigniorage Reform and Plain Money", paper prepared for the Forum for Stable Currencies, House of Lords, London, June 20, 2001.


Keynes, John M., 1936, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Palgrave McMillan.


Lietaer, Bernard, 2001, The Future of Money: Creating New Wealth, Work and a Wiser World, Random House.

Lietaer, Bernard; Belgin, Stephen, 2011, New Money for a New World, Qiterra Press.

Lietaer, Bernard; Kennedy, Margrit; Rogers, John, 2012, People Money: The promise of regional currencies, Triarchy Press.

Lietaer, Bernard; Arnsperger, Christian; Goerner, Sally; Brunnhuber, Stefan, 2012, Money and Sustainability: The Missing Link, Triarchy Press.

Lietaer, Bernard; Dunne, Jacqui, 2013, Rethinking Money: How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity, San Fransisco: Berrett-Koehler.


McLeay, Michael, Amar Radia and Ryland Thomas, 2014, "Money creation in the modern economy", Quarterly Bulletin of the Bank of England, 2014(Q1).


Mosley, Ivo, 2017, "Bank Robbery: Why Are Banks Allowed to Create Money?", Positive Money, June 17, 2017.


Orrell, David; Chlupatý, Roman, 2016, The Evolution of Money, Columbia University Press.

Orrell, David; Wilmott, Paul, 2017, The Money Formula: Dodgy Finance, Pseudo Science, and How Mathematicians Took Over the Markets, Wiley.


Pettifor, Ann, 2006, The Coming First World Debt Crisis, Palgrave MacMillan.

Pettifor, Ann, 2014, Just Money: How Society Can Break the Despotic Power of Finance, Commonwealth Publishing.

Pettifor, Ann, 2017, The Production of Money - How to Break the Power of Bankers, Verso.


Positive Money, 2018, Escaping Growth Dependency: Why reforming money will reduce the need to pursue economic growth at any cost to the environment.


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Robertson, James, (books, articles, video & audio).

Robertson, James & Huber, Joseph, 2000, Creating New Money: A Monetary Reform for the Information Age, New Economics Foundation.

Robertson, James & Bunzl, John, 2004, Monetary Reform: Making It Happen!, International Simultaneous Policy Organisation.

Robertson, James, 2012, Future Money: Breakthrough or Breakdown, Green Books.


Stern, Gary H. & Feldman, Ron, 2004, Too Big To Fail: The Hazard of Bank Bailouts, Brookings Institution Press.


Streithorst, Tom, 2016, "What Keeps the Rich and Powerful up at Night, and Why They’re Happy You Don’t Care", Evonomics, Sept. 2, 2016.


Whitney, Mike, 2016, "The Biggest Heist in Human History", Counterpunch, Sept. 30, 2016.


Zarlenga, Stephen, 2002, The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money - The Story of Power, American Monetary Institute.


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Binswanger, Hans Christoph, 2010, Geld und Magie: Eine ökonomische Deutung von Goethes Faust, Murmann.

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Club of Vienna (Hg.), 2016, Wie viel Geld verträgt die Welt? Analysen und Alternativen, Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag.


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Dietz, Raimund, 2016, Geld und Schuld - eine ökonomische Theorie der Gesellschaft, (Vortrag), 5., überarbeitete Auflage, Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.


Felber, Christian, 2014, Geld: Die neuen Spielregeln, Wien: Deuticke.


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Huber, Joseph, (Publikationen)

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